请结合教学经验,为以下教学材料设计教学目标和主要教学活动。(用英文作答)教学材料:Anna:Jenny,can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?Jenny:Sure,I'd love to.Anna:How about you,Ted? Can you c
2021-10-26 18:23 肇庆人事考试网 来源:广东华图教育

请结合教学经验,为以下教学材料设计教学目标和主要教学活动。(用英文作答)教学材料:Anna:Jenny,can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?Jenny:Sure,I'd love to.Anna:How about you,Ted? Can you come to my party?.Ted:I'm sorry,I can't.I have to help my parents.Anna:Can you come to my party?Tim?Tim:I'm sorry ,too.I have a piano lesson.Anna:That's too bad. Maybe another time.Tim:Sure ,Anna. Thanks for asking.


[华图教育题目解析]:【 Teaching Targets 】 (1) Knowledge Objectives Learn to read,spell and use the new words: come,party,sure,help,piano lesson. Learn to use the sentences: Can you come to...? Sure,I'd love to./I'm sorry,I can't. That's too bad. (2)Ability Objectives Students learn to make an invitation and say yes or no to an invitation and give their reasons. (3)Moral Objectives Students accept or refuse an invitation of foreign countries politely. Students develop good manners in inviting somebody. 【 Teaching Procedure 】 Step 1 Greeting Greet the class and let a student to make a duty report. And then check the homework. Step 2 Presentation Show invitations in the book to students. Ask the students to fill in the blanks according to the information of the invitation. Step 3 Practice Practice the dialogue in pairs and then let some of the students act out the dialogue. Step 4 Consolidation . Task 1 Fill in the card( writing practice) Let the students fill in the card with details of a patty. Then call their friends and invite them to the party. Task 2 Invite a friend( oral practice) Tell the students how to do the activity:You are Eliza. Eliza invites Lu Qing to go to the mall. Look at the calendar for this week and find a time when you and Lu Qing can both go there. Use the dialogue in the book to start. the activity,and then ask more questions to learn when neither people is busy. Help students to start the work,and give them a hand if needed. The answers:Lu Qing and Eliza are both free on Wednesday afternoon,Friday afternoon,Saturday and.Sunday. Step 5 Summary Today we have learnt how to write an invitation and done a lot of practice. Step 6 Homework Give your best friend an invitation to a party. The student who receives it must give a reply.
以上是关于请结合教学经验,为以下教学材料设计教学目标和主要教学活动。(用英文作答)教学材料:Anna:Jenny,can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?Jenny:Sure,I'd love to.Anna:How about you,Ted? Can you c的参考答案及解析。详细信息你可以登陆肇庆公务员考试网。如有疑问,欢迎向华图教育企业知道提问。点击咨询>>>